Paintings from 20 countries

The VKR Group’s 75th Anniversary painting competition began in 2015, when VELUX sales and production companies from 20 countries were asked to nominate three potential competitors among local artists. The candidates’ work were sent for appraisal by a central jury appointed by VKR Holding who eliminated all except the final few who would take part in the competition.

In early September 2015, the selected artists were commissioned to complete, within five months, a painting for the competition. 

The central theme had already been decided on – “the work should express the importance of the window to buildings, with particular emphasis on light through the roof or facade”.

On 9 March 2016, the jury convened to view the 20 works submitted. After thorough perusal and debate prior to voting, First, Second and Third places were named and nine other works chosen for a special 75th Anniversary memorial calendar. During the selection process, all the works were displayed anonymously to prevent any impression from the first phase of the process having any influence on the final decision.