
Photo competition

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Join the My Summer Window photo competition

Inspired by the museum's current exhibition, Window Behaviorology, and the book, The Nordic Window, we aim to highlight the special moments that occur around windows, which greatly influence our behavior. 

During summer, our windows are flooded with light that dance across the room. Curtains move gently in the breeze, while fresh air seeps through the gaps, filling the room with a scent of summer. Picture for example the window in your holiday home, where typically, one of the first things you do is to open it and check out the view and the light.

Grab your camera and capture that moment when summer unfolds through a window.

We look forward to seeing your interpretation of My Summer Window.


How to participate

Send your photograph in a message to the museum's Instagram profile @villumwindowcollection or via email at trm@vkr-holding.com.

You're welcome to participate in the competition with multiple photographs.

We will continuously post your entries on Instagram throughout the duration of the competition.


Deadline and award

Submit your photograph to us no later than August 28, 2024. The winner will be announced on September 6, 2024, on the museum's website and Instagram.

We will select the three best photographs, each of which will win a Membership Card for the Danish Architecture Center and a copy of the book, The Nordic Window.

A selection of the submitted photographs, including the three winning photographs, will be displayed in a small exhibition at VILLUM Window Collection in the autumn of 2024.

Please remember to retain a high-resolution copy of your picture, as it will be necessary if your picture is later included in the exhibition.


Terms and Conditions

The competition is held by the Instagram profile @villumwindowcollection, which is managed by VKR Holding. The competition is in no way affiliated with, administered by, approved, or sponsored by Instagram.

For any questions regarding the competition, please contact Thea Ringmann Madsen at the following email: trm@vkr-holding.com

The three winners will receive their prizes by package/mail. Each prize has a total value of 665 DKK.

By participating in the competition, you also accept that VILLUM Window Collection (VWCO) may publish your name and picture in connection with their exhibition in Søborg and on any media used by VILLUM Window Collection.

The winner will be contacted using the information provided at the time of submitting the competition entry. This means that you should check your Instagram or email, depending on how you submitted your entry.

If the winner does not respond within 7 days after being notified via Instagram or email, VILLUM Window Collection reserves the right to select a different winner.

Any information you provide by participating in the competition will not be shared with third parties and will only be used to contact you in connection with the competition.

The competition does not require a purchase to enter.

RESTRICTIONS REGARDING SUBJECT MATTER: It is prohibited to share photographs of people who have not given their consent for the image to be published. The same applies to people in private, precarious, or embarrassing situations, even if they are photographed in a public area. You are personally responsible for ensuring that people in the image have given permission for you to use the image, and any compensation claim against VWCO will be forwarded to you personally.

RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL: At any time during the competition period, you can withdraw your pictures and thus your participation. This is done by sending an email to trm@vkr-holding.com. After the end of the competition, the usage rights to the image belong to VWCO to use on their communication platforms. 

DISQUALIFICATION: VWCO reserves the right to disqualify offensive or otherwise inappropriate images. Images with a watermark or text, such as date on the image, will be disqualified.

USE OF IMAGES DURING THE COMPETITION PERIOD: During the competition period, VWCO reserves the right to continuously share the submitted images on VWCO's Instagram profile. If you do not wish to be tagged or otherwise credited when VWCO shares your image on Instagram, this must be notified when submitting the competition entry.

PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA: Your name and personal information will only be used in connection with the competition and the exhibition. Your name may be mentioned in connection with crediting images. The winner will be contacted directly and announced via VWCO's channels.


Photos taken by Sindre Aarhus Narvestad, Bastian Hjelm, Jens Markus Lindhe og Maria Hagerup.